Here's a case where I really wish this hadn't been an authorized (essentially) look at the making of The Room, because while this movie is overall well made and entertaining...there's a serious issue here. Sure, David Franco is very good and I feel not getting enough praise for how well he's playing a seemingly decent guy who gets drawn into the orbit of this weirdo, but the movie really needed to dig deeper on just how creepily misogynistic and awful Wiseau appears to be in general and in terms of making The Room specifically. The movie just spends a bit too much time playing it off as "oh, that merry prankster" and then trying to eat that cake as well with a scene of Wiseau being completely awful to the actress playing Lisa as they're filming one of the creepy sex scenes (kudos to Ari Graynor in that part; she gets some real nice work in it) as if that makes up for it. There's a lot of good stuff here (Paul Scheer and Seth Rogen as the at first bemused and then appalled pros hired to work on the shoot, for instance), but this isn't the Ed Wood I wanted it to be.
That said, someone get David Franco and Alison Brie a romance movie; I would hope they have chemistry, being married and all, but they're adorable on screen together.
2017 - Written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, directed by James Franco
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