Monday, June 1, 2020

Convoy (1978)

About as 1978 as you can get, I think.  CB radios, Ernest Borgnine as an asshole cop and Kris Krisstofersen in a Mack truck.  Not quite as fun as I would have liked but there's some good sleazy nonsense with a patina of the working man gets a raw deal.

And then...there's a police brutality on a black trucker that just felt way too real for this week.  And that's one of the problems of this movie, that it has psuedophilosophizing going on that ultimately falls apart under the slightest gaze, when there are actual problems involved that they could have dug into more if they really wanted to make that movie.  I just feel it's one where they could have picked a lane.

Dracula's Daughter (1936)

I do love these quick-and-dirty kind-of sequels that movie studios used to pump out like crazy, especially when they had a horror franchise  Sometimes you would get diminishing results, like the later Hammer Dracula movies with Christopher Lee, but sometimes you get what at first seems just a cheap throwaway but has its own particular pleasure, like 1936’s Dracula’s Daughter.